Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Where are you from?

Where are you from? I get this question at least once or twice a week. When I first arrived in the USA four years ago, I felt flattered about the interest in my origins. Nowadays, the first thought that comes to mind is if the person is trying to find out if I am here illegally. Well, I cannot blame them. Texas has 1.7 million immigrants and Austin is considered one of the sanctuary cities. Illegal immigration is a huge problem here, and I as a legal immigrant feel very strongly about this matter. I have said that before, and I will say it again, I feel for my South American brothers and sisters that, for lack of opportunities in their countries, decided to come to the USA to try for a better life. Nevertheless, the end does not justify the means and if you are here illegally you should not be allowed to stay. On our govern side, the most effective way to to win this fight is through public finance of campaign. Does it sound weird? I will explain.

First, let me give you an example. Rick Perry and our Lieutenant governor, David Dewhurst supported a bill similar to the Arizona immigration law(, Arizona SB 1070) that would help the crack down against illegal immigrants. The bill died in the Senate. Twice. Do you want to know why? Lobbying made for big businesses that use the illegal immigrants' workforce to reduce their overhead costs. The same companies that financed the campaign of the House and Senate member's. Let's get this straight, private financing of campaign is not good for our state. Period! Private finance of campaigns create a vicious circle that allow our representatives to represent big businesses instead of representing the US. The same businesses that finance the campaign of our governors, lieutenant governor's and legislative representatives are the same ones that lobbied to kill this bill. I have my problems with this bill and do not think it was going to make any difference in the illegal immigration situation in Texas. Regardless, a bill cannot be killed in the House and/or Senate because it goes against the interests of big businesses in Texas. That's why I defend public finance of campaign as a way to let our representatives do what they were elected to do, to represent people of the great state of Texas.

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